Daniel Lepage on 9 Oct 2002 20:19:02 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] problems, ideas

Quoth Orc In A Spacesuit,

>> From: "The Voice" <nomicvoice0@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> What were the problems with my props about Wind and The Hanging Chad?  I'd
>> like to change them, but I don't know what the issues were that caused them
>> to be Shelved... kinda makes it hard.
> The Hanging Chad: I voted no, and am opposed to the rule in it's current
> form and purpose, simply because I think that we already have too many vote
> affectors.  They screw with the game too much, and if someone collected a
> few things, some very rediculous things could get passed.  I really think we
> ought to get rid of all of the things except the Hands that are of Players,
> as that's a rememberance of them, and while they can have a big impact on
> the game, they are not game-breakers.

Personally, I think the game is more interesting with lots of vote-changing
items. I was, however, toying with the idea of different levels of
proposals; for example, a level 1 proposal could do nothing more than move
Grid Objects around, a level 2 proposal could effect any change to the
gamestate that didn't affect rules, proposals, judgment, or society
charters, level 3 could be anything without rule-changes, 4 includes
repealing rules, 5 includes modifying rules, 6 allows anything. Or something
like that.
Then, you could do interesting things with bandwidth, like restricting
everyone to only one lvl 6 prop per nweek, or something, and you could also
adjust the vote-changers to only affect, say, lvl 4 or under props...

>> On an unrelated note, I'm toying with an idea about incorporating Music
>> somehow... maybe having different tunes that players could play on
>> different instruments and having them have different effects... does anyone
>> have thoughts on this?  Any ideas would be appreciated/possibly
>> implemented.  Thanks a lot.

"An unrelated note"... ha. ha. *grimaces* That's really bad.

> Sounds interesting.  Get a system set up where different players can make
> their own contributions, whether wanted or not.  Here's an idea:

"Sounds interesting"? Are you doing this on purpose?

> (note! This is partial, I know it's missing stuff!)
> {{__The Power of Music__{*(Music),1}
> }}

Have you ever seen those Magic Cards like War Dance, where every turn you
put a counter on them, and you can sacrifice them to do spiffy things with
the number of counters? This reminds me of them.

Also, have you ever read any of the Silmarillion?


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