Wonko on 23 Sep 2002 03:17:04 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] orc does stuff

Quoth Orc In A Spacesuit,

> I spend all my force to advance along the jedi path
You can't - your force must be full to do this. You currently have 5 force
> I enter the grid at (2,3) and pick up the Shield
> If I can buy an airspeeder, do the following:
You can't, 'cause I nuked everyone's scores. Don't worry, if my proposals
pass, I'll give you one for free.
> I buy an airspeeder and get in it
> I move to (5,6) and pick up the Sheep Gnome.
> Otherwise:
> I run to (5,6) and pick up the Sheep Gnome.
Ya can't run 'til ya joins a football team.


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