Baron von Skippy baronvonskippy on Tue, 27 Aug 2002 21:44:46 -0400

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[BNomic-Public] Re: [Bnomic-private] Cont: Immutable rule

>__Mutations BAD! Krunk smash!__
>Amend rule 33 to read as follows:
>Each Rule has an attribute called Chutzpah, which is a positive integer. In
>the event of a conflict between two or more rules, if this rule is one, it
>takes precedence. Otherwise, the rule with the highest Chutzpah takes
>If two or more rules have equal Chutzpah, the rule with the lowest
>identification number takes precedence.
>If at least one of the rules in conflict explicity says of itself that it
>defers to another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall
>supersede the Chutzpah method for determining precedence.
>If two or more rules claim to take precedence over each other or to defer 
>one another, then the Chutzpah method again governs.
>Whenever one section of a rule conflicts with another section of the same
>rule, the section which appears later in the rule takes precedence over the
>earlier section.
>This rule may not be repealed or amended.
>Create the following CFI:
>Statement: Rule 33 may not be repealed, renumbered, or amended, EVER, and 
>CFI cannot be overruled by other CFIs or by any other method.
>Rule the preceding CFI TRUE.
>Appeal the preceding CFI.
>Rule the preceding CFI TRUE.
>The above == my from field. Duh.
-Didn't I already deal with this?

__Bite me, Krunk__

Change Rule 33's Serial Number to 100.

Repeal Rule 100.


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