Naath Thabana on 1 May 2002 18:38:08 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: CFJ: Schrodinger's sushi.

 --- Gavin Doig <gmd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > <CFJ>
> <statement>It cannot be determined whether this
> statement appears within a legal CFJ.</statement>
> <defendant>Baron von Skippy</defendant>
> <analysis>
> I have the sushi. If I ran this through babelfish as
> one big word and added the whitespace afterwards,
> it's legal. If I didn't, it's not.
> I'm not telling.
> </analysis>
> </CFJ>
very clever...


Like duct tape the force is, a light side and a dark side it has, holds the universe together it does, hmm.

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