Eric Gerlach on 4 Apr 2002 22:18:16 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Offithial acthionth

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Wonko wrote:

> Quoth Eric Gerlach,
> > {{
> > __Mommy, I want off!__
> >
> > Add the following text to the end of paragraph 8 (the one about entering
> > the grid):
> > "A Player may leave the Grid by announcing on a public Forum eir intention
> > to do so."
> > }}
> Say, does it say anywhere that a player going off the Grid loses whatever
> eir carrying? Otherwise I see a sort of:
> I jump to Limbo.
> I come down on the Big Stick.
> I take the Big Stick.
> I jump to Limbo.
> I come down next to Glotmorf.
> I Whack Glotmorf with the Big Stick.
> I jump to Limbo.
> I come down on the Big Stick.
> I take the Big Stick.
> I jump to Limbo.
> I come down next to The Voice.
> I Whack the Voice with the Stick.
> I jump up to Limbo.
> I come down on the Big Stick.
> etc.
> thing happening.

Thith ith a valid critithithm.  I thould plathe a rethtricthion of thome
thort on that....

> Or even worse:
> Wonko passes the Football to the Voice.
> The Voice moves to Limbo.
> The Voice puts emself on the Grid at (1,20).
> The Voice joins Team Crimson.
> All players on Team Crimson gain 20 points.
> Wonko moves to Limbo.
> Wonko puts emself on the Grid on top of the Football.
> Wonko takes the Football, moves to Limbo, comes down on Crimson's endzone,
> and joins Team Crimson.
> All Crimsonites gain 20 points.
> etc.
> I could write a program in thirty seconds that would mass-produce the
> neccessary lines of text, then score a Goal 400 times in quick succession,
> first giving me a win, then giving Voice and I both 7 more wins.

Thith ith not a valid critithithm.  My other propothal taketh care of
tyith by making thure you can't join a team onthe you leave the Grid.

> Whee!

Oh, I agree.
