Wonko on 26 Feb 2002 00:43:16 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Steven Spielberg Presents...Gremlins

Quoth Donald Whytock,

> {{ _They're not just cute and furry and aerodynamic..._
> [[
> DON'T get them wet!
> DON'T feed them after midnight!
> DON'T take them out into the sun!
> ]]
> Create a new rule:
> {{ _Gremlin Multiplication_
> If a Gremlin should become Wet (as opposed to already being Wet), or if a
> Gremlin is fed something (as explicitly permitted in the rules, and as opposed
> to the Gremlin eating something on its own) between the hours of 00:00:00 and
> 06:00:00 UTC, it will Multiply, causing an additional Gremlin of the same type
> as the first to be created in the same location as the first.  A Gremlin may
> not Multiply more than once per nday.
> The name given to the new Gremlin shall be enumerated for uniqueness, e.g. the
> Second King Gremlin, the Fifth Witch Gremlin, the Eight Hundred and
> Seventy-Third Proposal Ingesting Gremlin, etc.  If a particular enumerated
> Gremlin is referred to by its alias, the enumeration must be included in the
> reference, e.g. Luigi the Twelfth.
> }}
> Add the following paragraph to the end of r345:
> "If more than one Luigi exists at the time a collection is to be made from a
> Player, the Luigi that makes the collection, and thus gets the points, is
> determined randomly by the Administrator.  A Player may make a payment to any
> Luigi."
> }}
Although I do find it interesting to see how people are getting around the
"unique Gremlin names" problem, wouldn't it be vastly simpler just to change
the sentence that requires each Gremlin to have a unique name? Right now,
you say Multiplication will create a new Gremlin of the same 'type' as the
Multiplying Gremlin, but 'type' is undefined....

Speaking of multiple Gremlins, what stops a player who is next to the
Factory from pushing the button 1000 times and chucking the massive numbers
of Swarm Gremlins all over the place? That would get really complicated
really fast... (I catch the twelfth Swarm Gremlin and the two-hundred and
seventy sixth Swarm Gremlin and throw both of them, plus Swarm Gremlins 83
through 95 inclusive, at Wonko. Then I pick up the eight, ninth,
forty-second, seven-hundred and first, and three-hundred ninety-seventh
Swarm Gremlins and throw then at Uin. I also throw the eighty-second Swarm
Gremlin at Dan.) (Imagine what the Grid website would look like... <:O
    |Wonko            |
    |The First Swarm  |
    |dest. (7,12))    |
    |The Forty-Third  |
    |Swarm Gremlin    |
    |(airborne, dest. |
    |(9,11))          |
    |The Third Swarm  |
    |dest. (18,2))    |
    |The Ninth Swarm  |
    |dest. (1,1))     |
    |The Second Swarm |
    |dest. (20,17))   |
    |The Twelfth Swarm|
    |dest. (15,15))   |
    |etc.             |
    |etc.             |



"Nothing is wrong with California that a rise in the ocean level wouldn't
cure. "
- Ross MacDonald