Donald Whytock on 13 Feb 2002 07:41:47 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: I it will be able to present a rule inside this game?

On 2/12/02 at 10:38 PM Alex Truelsen wrote:

>__Another Way to Remove a Splinter__
>Create a rule which reads:
>Rule 2 5 9
>It gives me a big headache
>It shall be repealed
>[[I didn't want to affix this to the other one. It's more than one rule
>change, and I didn't want the whole defeated because people don't agree
>one part. Oh, "2 5 9" is three syllables, and refers to two hundred fifty
>nine, for those of you who might argue that point.]]
>                                               -BvS-

Er, yes, but "rule" is one syllable.
