Greg Ritter on 19 Jan 2002 19:57:20 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: PROPOSAL: Generous Gremlins!

I like this proposal. This is so far the only attempt to circumvent bandwidth limitatoins that receives my Personal Stamp of Approval.

I would caution against having something occur "one second after" an action, though, as someone is likely to attempt to take advantage of that one second gap. You might get around it by using the term "automatically" or "immediately" and/or by putting a limitation on the transfer of the Token of Proposals, such as "The Token may only be transferred to a player or taken from a player by a means prescribed by this or another rule."

I'd also prefer to see the Token awarded for something other than just having the lowest score in order to make it something Players can compete for. For example, using the lowest score as the measurement for award means that the Token is almost always going to go to either the newest or least active Player. You might set a criteria like:

"At the beginning of each nweek, the Bandwidth Gremlin gives what is known as the 'Token of Proposals' to the player who received the most YES votes on all of eir proposals on the previous nweek's ballot."

That way the Token is being awarded to someone who has a proven ability to create proposals that the rest of the players think are good. You would also probably have to set some kind of tie-breaker so if two players received equivalent YES votes the previous nweek, you can break the tie. In that case, I think lowest score would be a good tiebreaker among that group of players, so as to give the successful Proposer who might be behind in points the ability to catch up.


At 06:21 PM 1/18/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Proposal: _Generous Gremlins!_

Create a new rule entitled _Bandwidth Gremlin_ with the following -0- delimited text:

There exists a gremlin known as the Bandwidth Gremlin. At the beginning of each nweek, if the Bandwidth Gremlin is Active, the Bandwidth Gremlin gives what is known as the "Token of Proposals" to the player who has the lowest score. The player who holds the Token of Proposals may make one more proposal than is allowed under the current ruleset. One second after eir extra proposal is recognized by the Administrator, the Token of Proposals is automatically returned to the Bandwidth Gremlin. If, at the beginning of an nweek, two players are tied for the lowest score, the player to recieve the Token of Proposals is determined randomly. A player may not recieve the Token of Proposals if eir charm is equal to zero, or if their activity is less than zero.

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