Rob Speer on 15 Jun 2001 18:41:06 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Looks like I win again

On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 04:33:25PM +0200, Jorg Rathlev wrote:
> Note that a "Hand" is not necessarily the same as a "Poker Hand", as a Player may, during showdown, chose how to arrange eir cards into Poker Hands (rule 396/0). It will be up to the Judge to decide whether "Poker Hands" and "Hands" are the same.

Additionally, if Hands and Poker Hands are the same, watch what happens.

Rule 397 says:
"A Player may arrange eir PCards into more than one Poker Hand if it would
result in a higher Score or if e owns more than five PCards."

So a player who owns more than 5 Pcards is explicitly permitted to arrange them
into more than one Poker Hand. Let's say e makes 2 Poker Hands out of eir Hand.

Since Poker Hands are parts of an arrangement of PCards, a PCard could not be
in more than one Poker Hand simultaneously.

Since Poker Hands are equivalent to Hands, each Poker Hand contains all the
cards this player owns.

So all eir PCards are in both Poker Hands while simultaneously not being in
both. Therefore, true implies false, following the rules implies not following
the rules, logic ceases to exist, and every event that could never possibly
happen in the Nomic happens simultaneously.

That's not good. So whoever gets that RFJ, be sure to rule it false.
Rob Speer