David E. Smith on 8 May 2001 01:45:32 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: RE: spoon-business: Make things interesting...

On Mon, 7 May 2001, Rob Speer wrote:

> I didn't realize it was the voting period. I thought the voting period only
> started when Joel posts the ballot, anyway.

The voting period is days 8-10 of a given nweek. Joel is (supposed) to
post a ballot at least 48 hours prior to the end of voting.

Ref: Rules 111/0, 201/2.

As long as we're looking through the rules, someone may wish to invoke
306/2. (Rough tangent: This rule specifies that the Deputy Administrator
may recognize proposals; can such an entity distribute an official ballot,
or receive votes, or anything similar? The rule seems a smidge vague to
