Dan on 2 Mar 2001 07:10:05 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Political Go

Count me in :-)

Here are also a couple of ideas which you may or may not wish to include:

I think a 12h turnover is too short.  Sometimes I can't check my email for
30 hours, and sometimes I don't have time to right even a short email for
48 hours.  That would be my suggested minimum maximum. ;-)

The other alternative is a mechanism which lets all players submit their
moves simultaneously.  Perhaps the same way votes are done.  Rules could
be made to resolve collisions and so forth.  That might be the easiest way
to adapt the game for many players over email.

I would also like to find something useful to do with points.  Trying to
run a non-inflationary economy at present is futile because nobody will
willingly do anything that will risk running a loss.  We should make
useful things for people to do with their accumulated points that might
generate some revenue for the bank and also give them a slight advantage
in the game.  For example, players could use points to buy go stones at
the following rates:

In one nweek, a player may purchase
stones	points
1	1
2	5
3	25
4	125

and so on.  Or something like that.

Then a suitable reward could be made for winning a game of political go
