Jörg Rathlev on 23 Feb 2001 15:47:07 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Rules naming specific players

I still have some strong objections agains both PurpleBob's and Joel's proposal on limiting the submission or adoption of proposals naming specific players.

I think a rule that creates such limititation must satisfy the following requirements:

1. It must refer to rules, not proposals

Imagine we have a rule X that says: "Name is known as You-Know-Who." Name did not object to the creation of this rule, because he doesn't mind being known as You-Know-Who.

However, now someone can make the following proposal: "Amend rule X by adding 'and must Randal once each nweek'". This proposal neither names a specific player, nor does it use any terms which indirectly refer to one player, so it can be passed without Name's consent.

2. It must also limit indirect references

Otherwise, with the above rule X, the use of You-Know-Who in another rule would be perfectly legal, even if Name does not agree.

3. No consent should be required from Officers

An Officer is not a "specific player". He has accepted the requirements of the office before, and he can resign at any time.

4. No consent should be required from the Administrator, however...

This is a *real* problem.

Imagine we make a small change to the debt system (e.g. my CFJ if ruled "TRUE" and and a proposal is made to make debts real objects). This affects the offices of the banker and of the tax collector. This affects the Administrator, since he is responsible for the duties of an Officer who resigned. The Administrator is defined in R208 which names a specific player (Joel). Due to the indirect reference, Joel must consent to the rule change.

However, if no consent is required, a rule like "The Administrator must Randal" would be legal.

5. Consent should be given explicitly

You can't assume someone agrees simply because he didn't vote "No". What if he did not submit a vote at all? I think consent should be assumed only if a player submits a vote, and it is either Abstain ("I don't care") or Yes ("Yea! I *want* to Randal!").
