Joel Uckelman on 2 Dec 2000 02:59:44 -0000

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spoon-discuss: oh, no, here it comes again

So, I was thinking back on some things that I had always wanted to try in 
Berserker, but didn't get the chance to because there wasn't enough support 
for it then. One of those things was something that I opposed initially, 
but began to think might be fun after I voted against it: Political Go. 
What is Political Go, you might ask? Well, imagine playing Go (the "game of 
oriental strategy", as Josh's box says), but with more than one other 
person. Moreover, these other players may or may not be friendly, and 
whether your stones can draw liberties from their dragons will depend on 
it. (If you've played Go much, you can imagine how much difference it would 
make if an "ally" switched sides--it could result in the capture of big 
bunches of stones.) Anyway, everyone would get a free stone every turn, and 
more for doing certain things, like making (successful?) proposals and 
such. We could award the winner something or other (a win? points? more 
stones for next time?). I think this could be a lot of fun, assuming enough 
people want to participate in it. So, the most important part: does anyone 
want to do this? If so, I'll get a proposal together for it. (Not right 
away, though. The implementation of this is complex enough that I think 
I'll wait until the semester is over to get it started.) Comments?


Play Nomic!