Dan Waldron on 24 Nov 2000 23:14:20 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Win Token Proposal

Oooh this one looks good.

> 1. possesses 500 or more Points
> 2. holds some Elected Office for a full Term
> 3. renders a Judgment as a Judge

It's just that I don't like the conditions very much.  Perhaps we could
buy a win token from the bank for 500 points in a way similar to my Extra
Votes proposal, so you could get the required number by getting lots of
points.  It seems possible just now to get about 100 points per week, so
wins by wins by points would take quite a while.  I think that win tokens
should not be given out as a reward for giving a judgement.  The knowledge
that you are giving someone else a win token would act to prevent people
from making RFJs.

Also, what is the number of tokens required?
