0x44 on Sat, 27 Jun 2015 16:04:23 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: We've Always Never Allowed Aberrant Artefacts…

I expend four Thiotimoline to submit the following Red Proposal entitled
"We've Always Never Allowed Aberrant Artefacts":

At the Beginning of 8E.3.1 replace the text of rule 10-2 with the following:
Each Player may have one Alignment which is one of the following values:
* Bureau of Timeline Security
* Rivington Rangers
* Unaligned

As a Game Action, Players may declare their Alignment. Any Player who has
not declared their Alignment is Unaligned. Unaligned Players can not
perform the Winning Game Action.

Players whose alignment is "Bureau of Timeline Security" may not possess
any Aberrant Objects, and can not perform the Winning Game Action if any
other Player is aligned to "Rivington
Rangers" or if there exist any Aberrant Objects.

Players whose alignment is "Rivington Rangers" can not perform the Winning
Game Action if any other Player is aligned to "Bureau of Timeline
Security". Players whose alignment is "Rivington Rangers" can not perform
the Winning Game Action if the section entitled "Bureau of Timeline
Security" ever contained the phrase "Bureau of Timeline Security".
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