Justin Ahmann on Sat, 27 Jun 2015 15:23:38 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Another Proposal

I expend 0 Thiotimoline to submit the following Yellow Proposal, entitled __Recursion Is Frequently Fun__:

At the beginning of 8E.3.10, carry out the following actions:
       Add a new section to the rules entitled ""The Academy for the
Exploration of Other Nows"".

       Add the following rules to the section entitled ""The Academy for
the Exploration of Other Nows"":
           __Mandate and Governance__
               The Academy for the Exploration of Other Nows exists to
promote the arts, culture, exploration, and study of time travel and
related phenomena. It is headed by a Rector, who serves at the pleasure of
the Administrator.

               The Academy may contain several Institutes, each of which
is headed by a Director who serves at the pleasure of the Rector.

           __Museum of Transtemporal Artefacts__
               The Museum of Transtemporal Artefacts may possess Aberrant
Objects, defined as Objects which have been transported through time by
means other than the regular progresion of time. The set of Aberrant
Objects possessed by the Museum is referred to as its Collection.

               The Director of the Museum is also called the Curator.

       Introduce the Museum of Transtemporal Artefacts as it exists at the time of passage of this Proposal to the gamestate,

       Set the text of Proposal 3-2 to the null string.

Add the Museum of Transtemporal Artefacts to the Collection of the Museum of Transtemporal Artefacts.

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