Justin Ahmann on Sun, 8 Aug 2010 09:55:45 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] A Proposal

I submit the following Proposal:
__Dead Men Tell No Tales__

In Rule 86, replace the text

A player cannot Commit Attempted Murder if eir Location and any other player's 
Location (in that order) are a Peephole.

with the text


A player cannot Commit Attempted Murder if eir Location and any other non-Victim 
player's Location (in that order) are a Peephole.
in all occurrences.
Append to Rule 84 the following:
When a player joins the game who has not been a player at any time within the 
past two nweeks, that Player's Location is set to the Foyer.
When a player joins the game who has been a player at some time within the past 
two nweeks, that Player's Location is set to whatever Location e occupied at eir 
most recent time of deregistration.

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