Jeff Gitchel on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 18:19:37 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Ruling on CFI 112

CFI 112 - "Rule 10 is a Rule."
Arguments: It is an entity named "Rule 10".

Ruling: True

Argument: The argument that Rule 10 is an entity named "Rule 10" has no impact on the Rule's stature, validity, condition, function or relationship to other Rules or entities. If Rule 10 is an entity named "Rule 10," it is still  Rule 10. It's putative status as an entity was rendered moot upon enactment. 

It is possible that this Judge has missed some interpretation of the ruleset that may encourage others to treat a Rule differently when considered an entity. However, since Rule 10 takes precedence over any other Rule, or any logical construct rooted in inferior Rules, such an interpretation can have no effect on the stature, validity, condition, function or relationships of Rule 10.


Rule 10/0 - Follow the Rules - Chutzpah 10

All game entities must abide by all the Rules in effect, in the form in which they are in effect. No Proposal may attempt to temporarily circumvent the Rules. No Game Action may circumvent or repress the Rules at any time. This Rule shall always take precedence over all other Rules. No Proposal may modify this Rule unless said Proposal receives a 2/3 or greater plurality of affirmative votes.

Jeff Gitchel
twitter: gitchel
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