0x44 on Wed, 2 Sep 2009 13:14:15 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] [UNICYCLIST] Pentacycle initialization.

Since the rules are silent on whom is a Party to the Pentacycle game, I
have interpreted it as each Active, First-Class Player of B Nomic (except
myself because I'm the Unicyclist). If you do not wish to play, simply do
not place your remaining Unicycle Gnomes by the end of the week. The
Parties to the Pentacycle are c-walker, BobTHJ, Tiger, Wooble, Codae,
Marr965, JamesB, and Goethe.

I have randomly assigned each territory in the game to a Party:

"C-Walker"=>["fork0", "throat6", "axle1", "seat4", "seat3", "axle2"]
"BobTHJ"=>["axle3", "wheel8", "wheel3", "seat2", "fork1", "pedals3"]
"Tiger"=>["throat2", "seat0", "wheel2", "wheel6", "throat0", "fork3"]
"Wooble"=>["pedals1", "fork5", "wheel1", "throat1", "wheel11", "wheel0"]
"Codae"=>["pedals4", "wheel12", "pedals7", "pedals0", "seat1", "axle4"]
"Marr965"=>["wheel5", "seat7", "pedals6", "pedals2", "fork4", "seat5"]
"JamesB"=>["wheel7", "seat6", "throat4", "throat3", "axle0", "throat5"]
"Goethe"=>["pedals5", "wheel9", "wheel10", "fork2", "pedals8", "wheel4"]

Each of the above territories contains a single Unicycle Gnome in the
territory owner's possession. Each of the above players has in eir
possession an additional 15 Unicycle Gnomes which must be placed upon the
game board in a territory e owns.

I will get a map together as quickly as possible.


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