Charles Walker on Wed, 2 Sep 2009 11:43:18 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] [MoM] Assessor Election

The Asssessor election has achieved quorum; if its voting period has
not already ended I end it.

I resolve the decision to decide the holder of the Assessor office.
The votes were as follows:

Voter    Vote
Wooble   Endorse whoever deputises to resolve recent distribution (C-walker)
C-walker C-walker
Tiger    JamesB
JamesB   JamesB
0x44     C-walker

Marr965 attempted to vote present, but this was not a valid option.

There were 3 votes for C-walker and 2 votes for JamesB. C-walker is
the option selected by B, and e is installed into the Assessor office.

C-walker (Charles Walker)
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