Kerim Aydin on Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:23:59 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Downsizing

I submit the following proposal, Poobah bye-bye, AI-2 please:

[No mechanics changes, just replaces Grand Poobah with Assessor].

Change the power of Rule 92 (The Assessor) to 2.

Amend Rule 92 (The Assessor) to read:

      The Assessor is an office; its holder is responsible for
      collecting votes and keeping track of related properties.

      Vote Coins are a currency whose recordkeeper is the Assessor. 
      As soon as possible after the beginning of each month
      the Assessor SHALL create a Vote Coin in the possession of
      each active first-class player. A player CAN spend a Vote Coin
      in eir possession and specify a player to increment that
      player's Vote Power by one. A player CAN spend a Vote Coin in
      eir possession and specify a player to create a Stain in the
      possession of the specified player.

      Stains are a fixed currency whose recordkeeper is the Assessor. 
      As soon as possible after the beginning of each month
      the Assessor CAN and SHALL select a random player who has
      one or more Stains and set that player's Vote Power to 0. Then e
      SHALL destroy one Stain in the possession of each player.

Repeal Rule 52 (The Grand Poobah)


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