Justin Ahmann on Mon, 8 Jun 2009 14:32:42 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 1956-1962, report

I vote for each proposal below as indicated on the line following the short description of each, respectively.



From: Geoffrey Spear <wooble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: B Nomic Business <spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2009 3:47:14 PM
Subject: [s-b] [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 1956-1962, report


1957 D 1 2.0 C-walker            <none>

1958 D 1 2.0 C-w                <none>

1959 D 1 2.0 C-walker            <none>

1960 D 1 2.0 C-walker            <none>

1961 O 1 1.0 Tiger              Burning all ribbons

1962 D 1 2.0 C-walker            <none>

chamber: O = Ordinary; D = Democratic
interest: 0-3 = interest index

Proposal ID numbers:
    highest orderly: 1962
    disorderly: none


Proposal 1956 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by BobTHJ
Voting Power Overhaul

Amend R49 ("Voting on Ordinary Decisions") to read:
Each player has a Vote Power index (default 1 for first-class players
and 0 for others). Changes to Vote Power are secured.

The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are those entities that
were active players at the start of its voting period.  The voting
limit of an eligible voter on an ordinary decision is eir Vote Power
at the start of its voting period, reduced by one for each positive
multiple of 4 Rests that the voter posesses at the start of the voting

Amend R52 ("Grand Poobah") to read:
The Grand Poobah is an office. It's holder is responsible for tracking
Vote Power.

Vote Coins are a currency whose recordkeeper is the Grand Poobah. As
soon as possible after the beginning of each month the Grand Poobah
SHALL create a Vote Coin in the possession of each active first-class
player. A player CAN spend a Vote Coin in eir possession and specify a
player to increment that player's Vote Power by one. A player CAN
spend a Vote Coin in eir possession and specify a player to create a
Stain in the possession of the specified player.

Stains are a fixed currency whose recordkeeper is the Grand Poobah. As
soon as possible after the beginning of each month the Grand Poobah
CAN and SHALL select a random player who has one or more Stains and
set that player's Vote Power to 0. Then e SHALL destroy one Stain in
the possession of each player.

In R53 ("Notes") replace the list of ways notes can be spent with:
      (1) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a major chord to
create a Vote Coin in the possession of another player.

      (2) A player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a major
scale to create a Vote Coin in eir possession.

      (3) A player CAN spend two Notes of the same pitch to make
          another player gain one Note of that pitch.

      (4) During B's Birthday, a player CAN spend Notes forming the
          melody "Happy Birthday" (GGAGCB GGAGDC GGGECBA FFECDC or a
          translation thereof) to satisfy the Winning Condition of

      (5) A player CAN spend one Note to increase another player's
          voting limit on an ordinary proposal whose voting period is
          in progress by 1.

      (6) A player CAN spend two Notes to increase eir voting limit on
          an ordinary proposal whose voting period is in progress by

      (7) A player CAN spend three Notes to gain a Note whose pitch is
          as many semitones distant from one of the Notes spent as the
          distance between the other two Notes spent.


Proposal 1957 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker

In the Rule Secondary Gnomes, replace "Grape (Gr)" with "Grape (Gp)" and

"(Gr) A player CAN combine a Summer Gnome and an Earth Gnome to create a
Grape Gnome in a specified player's possession."


"(Gp) A player CAN combine a Summer Gnome and an Earth Gnome to create a
Grape Gnome in a specified player's possession."


Proposal 1958 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-w

In the Rule "Gaining Primary Gnomes", replace "Grain  (Gr)" with "Barley
(Ba)" and "    (Gr) At the end of each week, each player who authored at
least one proposal with an Interest Index of 3 that passed during that week
gains a Grain Gnome." with "    (Ba) At the end of each week, each player
who authored at least one proposal with an Interest Index of 3 that passed
during that week gains a Barley Gnome."


Proposal 1959 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker

In the Rule "The Senate", replace:


A Senator is any first-class player who has been registeredcontinuously for
the immediately preceding sixty days. The set
of all Senators is known as the Senate. The Registrar's report
includes a list of all Senators.




A Senator is any first-class player who has become a Senator by one of the
following means:

(1) Any player who has been registered continuously for the preceding sixty
days, or was registered on the 29th of May 2009, CAN be made into a Senator
by announcement.

(2) Any player CAN become a Senator with 3 Senator Support.

(3) Any player CAN become a Senator without objection.

(4) Any player who bears the Patent Title Minister without Portfolio CAN be
made into a Senator by announcement.

The Registrar SHOULD attempt to make as many players as possible into
Senators. Becoming a Senator is a secured change.

The set of all Senators is known as the Senate. The Registrar's
report includes a list of all Senators.



Proposal 1960 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker

Re-title the Rule "Rests" "Gremlins" and amend it to read as follows:


Gremlins are a fixed currency. The creation and destruction of gremlins is
secured with a power threshold of 1.7, a person generally CANNOT destroy
Gremlins except as permitted by Rules explicitly stating methods by which
Gremlins in particular CAN be destroyed.

The Wizard is an office, and the recordkeepor of Gremlins.

Ownership of Gremlins is restricted to first-class persons. If, in the
absence of this restriction, a number (N) of Gremlins would be created in
the ownership of a non-first-class person, then for each member of that
person's basis, N Gremlins are created in that member's possession.

A player CAN spend two Gnomes in order to destroy a Gremlin owned by a
player e specifies.

A first-class player CAN create Gremlins in eir own possession by


Retitle the Rule "Just Resting" "The Gremlin Revolt" and amend it to read as


A player CAN, without objection, destroy all Gremlins.

Owning one or more Gremlins is a Losing Condition.

While a person owns at least 8 Rests, that person CANNOT spend Gnomes except
to destroy gremlins e owns. This takes precedence over any other rule.

While a player owns at least 24 Gremlins, that player CAN be deregistered by
any player by announcement. A person who owns at least 6 Gremlins, or where
every member of eir basis owns 6 Gremlins, CANNOT register, rules to the
contrary notwithstanding.

A person who has one or more Gremlins but is not a player is a Fugitive. The
Herald's monthly report shall include a list of all Fugitives and the number
of Gremlins they possess. At the beginning of each month, half of each
Fugitive's Gremlins (rounded down) are destroyed.


Amend the last paragraph of the Rule "Voting on Ordinary Decisions" to read:


The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are those entities
that were active players at the start of its voting period. The
voting limit of an eligible voter on an ordinary decision is eir
caste at the start of its voting period, reduced to the next
lower caste (minimum Savage) for each positive multiple of 4
Gremlins that the voter posesses at the start of the voting period.


Amend the last paragraph of the Rule "Notices of Violation" to read:


If a Notice is Uncontested and was published at least four days
ago, any player CAN cause it to become Closed by announcement.
Any player CAN cause a Notice specifying em as Accused to become
Closed by announcement. When a Notice becomes Closed, a number
of Gremlins are created in the possession of the Accused equal to
the power of the violated Rule, rounded up. If a Closed notice
becomes Contested, these Gremlins remain, but CAN be later
destroyed by judicial processes as described elsewhere.


In the Rule "Criminal Cases", replace:


When a judicial question on culpability is judged after a number of rests
have been created in the Accused's possession due to the associated notice,
the judge CAN and SHALL destroy any such rests by announcement as soon as




When a judicial question on culpability is judged after a number
of Gremlins have been created in the Accused's possession due to
the associated notice, the judge CAN and SHALL destroy any such
Gremlins by announcement as soon as possible.


and replace:


* SILENCE, a number of Rests,




* SILENCE, a number of Gremlins


and amend the final paragraph to read:


An appeal concerning any assignment of judgment in a criminal case within
the past week CAN be initiated by the accused by announcement. Unless
otherwise specified, an appeal of a judgment in a criminal case is assumed
to be appealing the question of culpability. If a verdict or sentence that
led to the creation of Gremlins is overruled, remanded, or reassigned, the
Gremlins are still considered to have been created, but the appeals panel
CAN and SHALL destroy any created Gremlins by announcement.



Proposal 1961 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by Tiger
Burning all ribbons

Repeal Rule 2199 (Ribbons).


Proposal 1962 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker

Flip the caste of all active players who voted (non-conditionally and
without endorsement) FOR the decision on whether to adopt this proposal to
Alpha, in the same order that they voted on this proposal.


The proposal pool is empty.
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This distribution of proposals 1956-1962 initiates the Bn
Decisions on whether to adopt them.  The eligible voters for ordinary
proposals are the active players, the eligible voters for democratic
proposals are the active first-class players, and the vote collector
is the Assessor. The valid options on each decision are FOR, AGAINST,

1956 D 1 2.0 BobTHJ              Voting Power Overhaul
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