Ed Murphy on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 23:56:53 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: No more tyrannical minorities

Proposal:  No more tyrannical minorities

Amend Rule 5E0 (Emergencies) by replacing this text:

      exactly one of Calm (default) or Paranoid.

with this text:

      exactly one of Calm (default), Trusting, or Paranoid.

and by replacing this text:

      If at least five PEPs are Paranoid,

with this text:

      If the number of Paranoid PEPs exceeds the number of Trusting
      PEPs by at least five,

and by replacing this text:

      there are less than five Paranoid PEPs,

with this text:

      the number of Paranoid PEPs ceases to exceed the number of
      Trusting PEPs by at least five,
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