Jamie Dallaire on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:21:36 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Further consultations on the Sharpener

Scratch the 167 assignment, it was obviously invalid (did not match the
random roll). What I meant to say was:

>> Below is Consultation 167. I assign it to Priest ehird.
>>> {Question: Did the Pencil Sharpener do anything at all?
>>> Unbeliever: comex
>>> Arguments: If the Sharpener procedure that destroys mackerel doesn't
>>> succeed in doing so, it could be taken to mean that the entire
>>> procedure failed. More likely, however, each step gets implemented as
>>> a game action, and either works or doesn't; in this case, the Pencil
>>> Sharpener did everything it was supposed to including plugging the
>>> loophole, but comex is still the richest player in the game (followed
>>> by me and Warrigal).}
>> Oracle Billy Pilgrim
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