Ed Murphy on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 11:58:32 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Consultations on the Pencil Sharpener

Billy Pilgrim wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Jamie Dallaire
> <bad.leprechaun@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 9:29 PM, Craig Daniel <teucer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I submit the following Consultation, naming comex as the unbeliever:
>>> {Question: Does teucer have any mackerel?
>>> Arguments: if the Pencil Sharpener works as advertised (and I believe
>>> it does), then the mackerel it destroyed of mine are, in fact, the
>>> entirety of my mackerel. At least, they might be. The sum is enough
>>> for this to be the case, but when I bought a rapier I didn't specify
>>> whether or not all of the mackerel being spent to buy and use it had
>>> been created by the Laser Printer. Nor did Warrigal specify whether
>>> the ten he loaned me came from my prior holdings or not.
>>> If mackerel are non-fungible (which, as they are distinct game
>>> objects, seems reasonable) then none of the various game actions
>>> involving them this era worked, since nobody ever specified which
>>> mackerel they were destroying and so forth. The Laser Printer would
>>> have worked, except that we didn't actually have a color to create it
>>> in. Thus, the Pencil Sharpener fails because the mackerel it destroys
>>> don't exist. I still have exactly m100 per the PD, as do the four
>>> other squared players (comex, ehird, Sgeo, and Warrigal).
>>> If mackerel are fungible (which also seems reasonable; they're
>>> currency, after all) then the pencil sharpener failed because it
>>> failed to specify what quantity of mackerel were being destroyed.
>>> By the way, if a specific number of mackerel were to have been
>>> specified in this case - or if some strange fluke might inspire the
>>> Priest to answer NO on the grounds that the sharpener worked when both
>>> interpretations suggest otherwise, also a plausible decision - it's
>>> worth noting that it still may not be able to affect me. Laws do not
>>> have the force of the Ruleset behind them except on squares of the
>>> color where they are the Laws; as the Laws of White cannot oblige me
>>> to destroy my macks I remain only mostly convinced they can destroy
>>> them directly. But I am mostly convinced, and so would have to judge
>>> that a properly-worded Sharpener would have worked if I were assigned
>>> to do so.}
>> This is Consultation 163.
> I assign it to Priest Murphy.

In eir answer to Consultation 162, comex wrote:

> The only other reason Warrigal might not have m10,000 is that he never
> explicitly consented to modifying the Laws, etc; he merely intended,
> with Teucer's consent, to do so, then Teucer consented and did so.
> However, I find that intending with consent to do something involves
> implicit consent.  As a corroborating data point, in Agora, if you
> intend to do something with Support, a supporter generally can go
> ahead and do it for you without you having to explicitly consent.

(E later claimed that teucer intended and Warrigal consented, but e was
right the first time.)

What comex got wrong is that neither Warrigal nor teucer actually
carried out the intended change.  I declare eir answer inconsistent.

I answer Consultation 163 YES, based on the following interpretations:

  * As noted, the Laser Printer never existed, so neither it nor the
    Pencil Sharpener changed any mack holdings.

  * Macks are fungible, so the following events were successful except
    as noted:

      - teucer's macks were set to m100 by ais523's Refresh Proposal
      - teucer purchased a rapier (m75)
      - teucer stabbed ehird ten times (m10 each, successful twice)
      - teucer stabbed comex ten times (m10 each, unsuccessful)
      - Warrigal gives m10 to teucer
      - teucer gives m30000 to comex (unsuccessful)

    so teucer had m15 when this consultation was submitted (and I
    believe e still has m15 now).

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