Charles Schaefer on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 14:24:20 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Alelaelaelalealealealelaelaou

2008/10/14, Ed Murphy emurphy42@xxxxxxxxxxxx:

> I submit the following consultation.
> Question:  Does a human external force who sends a message to a
> B Nomic forum necessarily join SCAM (Contract) by doing so?
> Reasoning:  SCAM (Contract) says that a human external force /may/
> join it by sending a message to a B Nomic forum, not that e /does/
> join it by doing so.
> Unbeliever:  Charles, for obvious reasons.

Regarding the Supplicant's argument: This argument goes against B Nomic
precedent . I submit the following example for the Priest: " A Potential
Sockholder that holds at least one XXX sock may become a member of this
contract by announcement". Once that announcement is made, it triggers the
contract condition causing the Potential Sockholder to become a member. Once
a message is sent to a mailing list, it triggers the clause in SCAM
(Contract) causing the entity to become a member of that contract. The usage
of the word "may" refers to the fact that the joining is a voluntary act
(since, by 4E70, I cannot compel anyone to join my contract). I didn't make
you submit things to the mailing list, you did that on your own. Further,
since you submitted this consultation, you must have been aware of my
contract at the time you did so and you STILL sent mail to the list. If, on
the other hand, someone sends mail to the list before being aware of the
contract, I concede that they might not be bound to it. (However, they would
have to inform me of that by a private message rather than by sending mail
to the list)

Regarding Billy Pilgrim's argument (who, by the way, is only off the hook
for US money, not mackerel):
"4E70 > SCAM --- Let it be known that I do not presently consent to become
bound by any Contract to which I was not bound 1 minute ago. I may not
become bound to a Contract by any other means, save for my express will to
do so."
If you did not intend to become bound by SCAM (Contract), why did you submit
mail to a public forum after being fully aware of its provisions? Using my
generic sock corp example from above, what if someone had sent a message to
a public forum announcing intent to become a member, and then below it made
a statement that they did not intend to join the applicable sock corp? Or if
someone sent the game action "I give Charles m500" and then posted below
that "This message is in no way intended to transfer any mackerel to any B
Nomic player"? I would argue that such a player should still be bound to
whatever game action is in question.

I append the following text to SCAM (Contract):
{{7. If Charles submits to a public forum that he recommends a specified
answer and/or Oracularity on a specified consultation, and the Preist
thereof is a party to this contract, he (the Priest) is obligated to submit
the answer and/or Oracularity recommended by Charles.}}

 I recommend an answer of YES on this consultation, and the following
"All mackerel currently owned by parties to SCAM (Contract) are transferred
to Charles."

I also recommend filing charges in a US District Court so I can get at that
spoon-business mailing list