Jamie Dallaire on Mon, 6 Oct 2008 09:18:45 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] black corp what?

hmmm, I was going to ask the question, but then I'd like to be the Priest.
So, instead, I'm going to use a Proposal. PS my line of reasoning would be
that C exists as a nomic but that the statement that the two nomics are
identical is currently contradicted (and superceded because of rule number)
by the rule that disallows creation of Game Objects except as specified by
the rules. Also any claim that if C is empty of game objects and B is
identical to it, then B must also be empty, is wrong because B's game
objects were no more legally destroyed than C's were created. So:

I submit the following Proposal, entitled "Give C Game Objects!":
Set the state of C Nomic to be exactly identical (save for the nomic's name)
to that of B Nomic. If this includes the creation or modification of Game
Objects, these are to be created or modified accordingly.

Billy Pilgrim
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