Geoffrey Spear on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 09:44:14 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Consultation: Consultation Answer Effects?

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Tyler <wisety@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I submit the following Consultation, and, as the MoQ, give it the number 129
> and assign it to Priest Wooble:
> "Does a Priest's Answer of YES, NO, or PARADOX to a Consultation assigned to
> him have any effect on the game after the Consultation has become pondered,
> assuming there were not more claims of Inconsistency than claims of
> Consistency?"

I Answer this Consultation YES.

While not all Answers have an effect on the gamestate (and this fact
alone would argue for an Answer of NO if we take the question to mean
that an Answer necessarily has an effect in every case), those that
Answer a question about an actual ambiguity in the rules and a
corresponding ambiguity in the gamestate embodied directly in the
wording of the Consultation do clarify that the gamestate is in
whatever state is indicated by the Answer.

However, beyond confirming a specific Answer to a question posed in a
specific Consultation, under the present system the Priest's Reasoning
has no further effect on game play; B has no concept of precedent in
the rules as they stand.  Another Priest asked the same question in a
separate Consultation is free to ignore any previous Consultations and
interpret the ambiguity has he sees fit; indeed this is why Rule 4E18
tells us that the Priest should address any such ambiguities in an
Oracularity; with no ability to set a precedent the ambiguity remains
unresolved until the Rules are changed to resolve it.

Note that this ruling, but its own Reasoning, has no effect whatsoever
except to assert that the moment it becomes Pondered it changes the
gamestate so that the Answer itself is, evaluated instantaneously,
TRUE; it cannot alter the game such that future Consultations also
affect the gamestate.

In Rule 4E18, in the section "The Answer", insert as a final paragraph:
When a Consultation with an Answer of YES or NO becomes Pondered, the
Gamestate is changed to be what it would be if the question asked in
the Consultation were true or false respectively at the time it was
asked, for the reasons given in the Priest's Reasoning.  The Priest's
reasoning should not, for any other purposes, be taken to have the
implicit effect of creating a new rule outside of the Ruleset or
having any special significant in the judgments of other Priests on
similar Consultations. /*This is what Oracularities are for.*/

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