Charles Schaefer on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 15:57:18 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Multi-Ministry nday 1 Report (Law, Change, Business, Laundry)

Passed Proposals:
479, 481, 482, 483
Full voting results will be posted shortly.

End of nweek Prop/Voting points:
Charles = 6 (voting)
J = 6 (voting)
Wooble = 6 (voting), -3 (p480) = 3
MCTMike = 6 (voting)
BobTHJ = 6 (voting)
Billy Pilgrim = 6 (voting)
Codae = 6 (voting), 5 (p479) = 11
Sadrice = 6 (voting)
Ty-Guy6 = 4 (voting), 5 (p481), 5 (p482), -3 (p484) = 11
Phil = +2 (p483)

Black = +200 (p481, p482)
Baby Blue = +100 (p479)
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