Charles Schaefer on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 15:50:23 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Challenge Business Display

2008/8/24, Tyler <wisety@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I challenge Charles' Ministry of Business Public Display. (All the
> other PD's are looking pretty good.) Here's what's wrong:
> Black Corporation has a new Contract, with one change made to it already.
> Namely, that motions can be passed by unanimous vote.
> Black Corporation also has 1 Black Sock, and 400 macks plus the macks for
> the passing black proposals. (This is because Billy P. sold 2 socks to it
> and I bought one) I'm including this because it is on the same page as the
> PD, but it's not technically a required part of this PD, according to the
> rules.
> --
> -Tyler

Thank you for creating the Black Corp. wiki page. I have linked to it from
the MoB PD. For the most part, it seems accurate. However, I have a few

1. The sockholders and holdings is already displayed on the main PD and I
would like to avoid having it in 2 places (in case one becomes out of date).
Do you prefer having it on the Black-specific page or with the others on the
2. You claim your holdings are m700 on the Black Corp page, but your
challenge only asserts m400 plus proposal revenue. My Laundry report (which
I am working on right now) shows you receiving m200 from proposals this
nweek. Have I overlooked something?
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