Tyler Coleman on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 02:53:58 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal

I propose that:

Since certain rules rely on it to be meaningful, Rule 54: Criminal
Offenses, shall be reinstated with the text it had at the time The Beast
consumed it:

"The rules may make certain Game Actions or gamestates involving a Player as
Crimes by defining them as one of the subcategories of Crimes--Felonies or

An Offense is a single instance of a Player being so involved in a Crime.

A Player is Guilty of an Offense if a Jury has Decided so. If a Player is
Guilty of an Offense, and his Punishment has not been Assigned for that
Offense, the Judge is obligated to Assign the Punishment, which must be
greater than or equal in severity to the Minimum Punishment for the Crime
and less than or equal in severity to the Maximum Punishment for the Crime.

Any Player can, with 4 Support, declare a Punishment to be UNFAIR and reduce
it to the Minimum Punishment for the Crime in question.

When not otherwise specified, the Minimum Punishment for a Misdemeanor shall
be a fine of m1 and the Maximum Punishment a fine of m50.

When not otherwise specified, the Minimum Punishment for a Felony shall be a
fine of m25 and the Maximum Punishment a fine of m500.

A fine consists of the amount of the fine being deducted from the Guilty
Player's mackerel."


-Tyler Coleman
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