Mike McGann on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 18:17:08 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] ballot

I vote as follows:

p386 (Ivan Hope):
FOR [[Why did people vote for the random rule repeal action?]]

p386:  Animal Personhood
AGAINST [[ Slay the beast! ]]

p388: "I have fish stuck to me"

p389: Zombies have to eat too!
AGAINST [[ And?? ]]

p390:  Emergencies are annoying
ABSTAIN [[ Yes ]]

p391: The rapier is gone
AGAINST [[ and that text is gone too ]]

p392: Exquisite Corpse
AGAINST [[ I prefer kobolds ]]

p393: InterNomic Proposal
AGAINST [[ One nomic to rule them all ]]

- Hose
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