ihope on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 14:52:03 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] A Proposal or two

I submit a Proposal titled "Auctions":

{Add a Rule, named "Auctions", with the following text:

{An Auction is a type of Game Object. There is a Ministry known as the
Ministry of Auctions. The Minister of Auctions, also known as the
Auctioneer, the Dniester, or the Dinesteriate, is responsible for
maintaining a Public Display of all Auctions and their Attributes.

There is an Attribute called Authorized Bidders with a Scope of all
Auctions, a Range of all sets of Game Objects, and a Default Value of
the set of all Players. A member of an Auction's Authorized Bidder may
be called an Authorized Bidder of that auction.

A Bid is a pair consisting of a positive multiple of a Metric Bunch,
called the Amount, and a Game Object, called the Dinester.

There is an Attribute called Dinesteriation with a Scope of all
Auctions, a Range of all sets of Bids, and a Default Value of the
empty set. If a Game Object ceases to be an Authorized Bidder of an
Auction, all Bids of that Auction whose Dinesters are that Game Object
are Refunded. When a Bid is Refunded, it is removed from its Auction,
and its Amount is paid in mackerel to its Dinester.

There is an Attribute called Auction Status with a Scope of all
Auctions, a Range of the set {Open, Closed}, and a Default Value of

A Player who is an Authorized Bidder may Bid on an Open Auction by
specifying the Auction and an Amount, which must be a positive
multiple of a Metric Bunch different from all other Amounts of Bids of
that auction such that that amount of mackerel can be taken from that
Player. When a Player Bids on an Auction, that amount of mackerel is
taken from that Player and a Bid is added with that amount as the
Amount and that Player as the Dinester.

When an Auction Ends, the Bid with the highest Amount (if there is
one) becomes the Winning Bid, that Bid's Dinester becomes the Winner
of that Auction, every Bid of the Auction other than the Winning Bid
is Refunded, and the Auction ceases to exist.}

Replace the fifth paragraph of Rule 37 with:

"Whenever a unique blueprint is created, an Auction is created. This
Auction Ends at the start of Zarpint [[nday 11]], and a device is
defined based on the blueprint with the device owner of the Winner; if
there was no Winner, the unique blueprint ceases to exist without
device creation."}

I have a feeling it should be possible to express that auctions rule
ten times as concisely. Oh well...

I submit a Proposal titled "Dog Days":

{Add a Rule, named "Dog Days", with the following text:

{There is an Attribute with a Scope of all Players, a Range of the set
{Eager, Dog-Eared}, and a Default Value of Eager. At the beginning of
every Voting Period, an Auction is created which Ends at the end of
that Voting Period. When the Auction Ends, all players become Eager
and the Winner, if any, becomes the Lucky Dog; if there was no winner,
there becomes no Lucky Dog.

At any time, the Lucky Dog may increase the Vote Power of an Eager
Player by 1/2. When he does, that Player becomes Dog-Eared.}}

I submit a Proposal titled "Contracts":

{Add a Rule, named "Contracts":

{There is a Ministry called the Ministry of Contracts. The Minister of
Contracts, also called Mr. Handshake, is responsible for keeping track
of all Contracts, their text, and their Signees.

Any Player may at any time Submit a Contract, a type of Game Document.
Any Player may at any time Sign a Contract; when this is done, that
Player becomes a Signee of that Contract. Failing to obey the text of
a Contract one is a Signee of is a Felony. A Player may only cease to
be a Signee of a Contract either as that Contract states or with the
consent of all other Signees.

A Contract may declare things that are not the word "cheese" to be
Game Objects. A Contract may declare a Contract Attribute of itself by
specifying its Scope, its Range, and its Default Value. Contract
Attributes are a type of Attribute. A Contract may specify changes to
one of its Contract Attributes, which are carried out as stated in the
Contract. A Contract may declare things to be Contract Actions of
itself. A player may make a Contract Action as a Game Action; when
this does, the appropriate part of the defining Contract is carried

Contracts are device owner objects, which may transfer ownership of
their devices and destroy them as they say, unless a Rule states
otherwise. Contracts are also currency owning objects and may give
currency and exchange points for currency as they say, unless a Rule
states otherwise. [[They can also have points.]] When a Contract comes
into existence, its mackerel is immediately set to 0.}}

I submit a Proposal titled "Supporting/Objecting stuff":

{In Rule 21, replace "if, and only if, N Players do not object to the
action." with "if, and only if, at least N Players do not object to
the action." In Rule 22, replace "An action that must be performed
with N supporters occurs after N Players support the action." with "An
action that must be performed with N supporters occurs after at least
N Players support the action."}

I submit a Proposal titled "Three":

{Add a Rule, titled "Three", with the text of "The number 3 is a Game Object."}

I submit a Proposal titled "Oracularities Suck":

{In Rule 18:

Replace "A Consultation is in one of the states of Waiting, ZOTTED and
Pondered. A Consultation is initially Waiting." with "There is an
Attribute with a Scope of all Consultations, a Range of {Waiting,
ZOTTED, Answered, Pondered}, and a Default Value of Waiting."
[[There's no need to add more rules to make Answered fit, since
Consultations already "become Answered" and "cease to be Answered".]]

Remove "If a Consultation remains Answered for four full Ndays (or
Ndelays if the clock is off), it becomes Pondered."

Replace the second paragraph under "Overriding Consultations" with:

"At the end of the fourth nday (or ndelay) since the Answer has been
submitted the Oracle shall tally any such Claims. If there exist more
Claims of Inconsistency than claims of Consistency, the Consultation
ceases to be Answered and becomes Waiting; the Oracle shall then
immediately assign a new Priest to the Consultation, and the previous
Priest's answer and Oracularity (if any) are discarded. Otherwise, the
Consultation becomes Pondered and the YES or NO part of the Answer
becomes logically correct."}

--Ivan Hope CXXVII
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