Mike McGann on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 01:45:03 +0100 (CET)

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[s-b] Proposal: Think Locally, Act Globally

I submit the following Proposal, titled "Think Locally, Act Globally":

This is an attempt to remove boilerplate text from the devices and
blueprints and to replace it with properties.

Amend Rule 35 by replacing the following:
A device may have powers. Each power consists of an "effect" - what
happens when the power is used; "conditions" - things that must be
true for the effect to take place; and optionally a "trigger" -
something that must happen to trigger the effect. The rule or rules
defining a device detail the powers associated with it.
A device may have powers. Each power consists of:

   * An Effect: what happens when the power is used; and
   * A Trigger: something that must happen to trigger the effect; and
   * Zero or more Conditions: things that must be true for the effect
to take place; and
   * Zero or more Properties.

The rule or rules defining a device detail the powers associated with it.

Amend Rule 35 by replacing the text:
A "blueprint" is a type of game object that has no powers, but
specifies a set of Attributes (except for device owner), Properties,
and default states that can be used to define a device.
A "blueprint" is a type of game object that has no powers, but
specifies a set of Attributes (except for device owner), Properties,
powers, Properties of powers, and default states that can be used to
define a device.

Amend Rule 35 by adding the following, preferably at the bottom of the
current text:
If a power has the Cooldown Property, that power can only be triggered
if it has not been triggered on that device during the current nweek.

If a device has the RPG Property, the owner of the device can only use
the powers of the device if he is not Dead. If this power targets
another Player, the target Player must be Alive. If this power targets
a group of Players, only Players that are Alive are affected by this

If a power has the Disposable Property, that device ceases to exist
after that power's effects have occurred.

Do the following to the Norse Mythology Blueprint and any existing
Hammer of Thor devices
* Add the RPG property to Jenga Smash
* Add the Cooldown property to Jenga Smash
* Remove the Conditions from Jenga Smash

Do the following to the Junior Alchemy Kit Blueprint and any existing
Potion-Filled Super-Soaker Devices
* Add the RPG property to Spray
* Add the Disposable property to Spray
* Remove the text "Device owner is not Dead. Target Player is not
Dead." from the Conditions of Spray
* Remove the text "Device ceases to exist" from Spray.

Do the following to the Michael Crichton's Prey Blueprint and any
existing NanoSwarm devices
* Add the RPG property to Unleash
* Add the Disposable property to Unleash
* Remove the text "Device owner is not Dead" from the Conditions of Unleash
* Remove the text "who are Alive and" and "Device ceases to exist"
from the Effect of Unleash

Do the following to the Riot Corps Blueprint and any existing
Plexiglass Wall devices
* Add the RPG property to Recruit
* Remove the text "Target player is not Dead." from the Conditions of Recruit.

Do the following to the How to Make a Pointy Metal Stick Blueprint and
any existing Rapier devices
* Add the RPG property to Stab
* Remove the text "Target player is not Dead. Device owner is not
Dead." from the Conditions of Stab.
* Add the RPG property to Defend

Do the following to the Intifada Blueprint and any existing Rock devices
* Add the RPG property to Pelt
* Add the Disposable property to Pelt
* Remove the text "Device ceases to exist." from the Effect of Pelt.
* Remove the text "Target player is not Dead. Device owner is not
Dead." from the Conditions of Pelt.

Do the following to any existing Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch devices
and to the Blueprint that created such devices
* Add the Disposable property to Blessed Gerrymander
* Remove the text "The device ceases to exist." from the Effect of
Blessed Gerrymander

Do the following to any existing Hot Tomato devices and to the
Blueprint that created such devices
* Add the Cooldown property to Throw.
* Remove the Condition from Throw.


- Hose
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