Geoffrey Spear on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 21:34:15 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-b] Assigning Consultation

On Jan 10, 2008 3:07 PM, Justin Ahmann <quesmarktion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> {
> Does any Player of B Nomic own a device named "Mutation Ray"?
> Reasoning: Proposal 280 ("Arabidopsis") created a non-unique device (not a
> Blueprint...) called "Mutation Ray" yet did not assign this device an owner.
> Rule 4E35 states that the range of the attribute "device owner" is all
> devices, and that its scope is all device owning objects. The only types of
> device owning objects mentioned in the rules are Players (again, 4E35).
> }
> This is Consultation 70.  I assign it to Priest Wooble.

There already was a Consultation 70.  However, I believe the
assignment is legal even if the number isn't, so I'll Answer it.

I answer this Consultation NO.

Proposal 280 claims to create a non-unique device from a specified
Blueprint.  Only a non-Unique Blueprint can create non-Unique devices,
and non-Unique blueprints continue to exist after they've been used to
create devices, so I hold that Proposal 280 implicitly created such a
Blueprint which continues to exist, and that the device it created,
needing a Device Owner, implicitly created a Device Owner Object to
own it.

In a stunning act of judicial activism, my Oracularity will apply the
same logic to pikhq's rapier.

There exists a non-unique Blueprint called "Mutation Ray Blueprint" as follows:
    Device: Mutation Ray
    Price: m250
    Power: Don't try to out-weird me, Three-Eyes.
    Effect: One character of a Player's DNA string is altered to the
character of the Owner's choice. Conditions: Target Player must be
alive, and the target Player may not have the same DNA at the time of
use. The Mutation Ray has not been used within six rdays.
    Trigger: Game Action by Owner, clearly indicating the target of the
Ray, the old two-character DNA string, and the new two-character DNA

/*In the interest of not requiring the tracking of irrelevant objects
that can't affect gameplay */
Any Mutation Rays that aren't owned by Players are destroyed.
The Rapier that was formerly owned by pikhq is destroyed, and mackerel
holdings of any players who purported to purchase it from the implicit
DOO or subsequent owners are reverted.  Any damage it's purported to
have done is healed.

In Rule 4E35, append to the 3rd paragraph the sentence "Any Device
whose Owner ceases to be a DOO is destroyed."

--Priest Wooble
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