Jamie Dallaire on Thu, 3 Jan 2008 12:31:54 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Proposal Business

On 1/3/08, Justin Ahmann <quesmarktion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Why do you need to clearly indicate the target player for "Drink"?  The
> person who owns the Potion is the person who heals.

Ah yes, thank you. The thing is I originally had set it so that you could
heal any target player including yourself, but then I figured drinking at
someone was a little weird and that any player who is alive can just drink
the potion themselves, even if it's given to them by someone else if htey
have no macks of their own, and so i set it to heals the device owner but
forgot that part. Now that I think about it I will put it back to healing
anyone, as I wouldn't mind my buddy healing me if I'm away from the

I rename my proposal entiteld "Magick" to "Backyard Magick" and revise it to
The following non-unique Blueprint is created:
Name of Blueprint: Junior Alchemy Kit
Price: m50
Name of Device: Potion-Filled Super-Soaker
Power: Spray
   Effect: A single target player's Hit Points are increased by 3, or up to
Maximum Hit Points if an increase of 3 would make his Hit Points greater
than his Maximum Hit Points. Device ceases to exist.
   Conditions: Device owner is not Dead. Target Player is not Dead. The
Spray power has not been triggered with the same target player during the
current or previous nday.
   Trigger: Game Action by owner, clearly indicating target player.

Incidentally, I do know someone who tends to drink AT people. He can get
very aggressive.

Billy Pilgrim
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