Ed Murphy on Wed, 2 Jan 2008 07:57:01 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Life (revised again)

I revise my Proposal "Life" to read as follows.  (Forgot to account
for players joining mid-game)

Create a Field Match named "Life" with a 5 x 5 Field and the following

   * Each square is also adjacent to the four squares sharing only a
     corner with it.

   * Attribute: Team
       - Scope: Players
       - Range: Red, Green, Blue, null
       - Default: null

   * Field Object: Cell

   * Attribute: Color
       - Scope: Cells
       - Range: same as Teams
       - Default: same as Teams

   * Attribute: Advantage
       - Scope: Field
       - Range: same as Teams
       - Default: same as Teams

   * Invokable Action: Initialize
       - Attached to: Field
       - Trigger: While no Cells exist, the Referee performs
         /* preferably using the nomic.net dice server */
         enough random selections to carry out the Effect, and
         posts the results of these selections to a Public Forum
       - Effect: For each location in the Field, a Cell is placed
         there, and its Color set to a random non-null value; each
         Player's Team is set to a random non-null value; Advantage
         is set to a random non-null value

   * Invokable Action: Tweak
       - Attached to: Cells
       - Trigger: A Player posts a message to a Public Forum stating
         that he is tweaking the specified Cell, and he has not already
         done so during the current nweek, and the Referee has performed
         the Evolve action during the current nweek, and the Cell's Color
         is either null or that Player's non-null Team
       - Effect: If that Cell's Color is null, then its Color is changed
         to that Player's Team; otherwise, its Color is changed to null

   * Invokable Action:  Evolve
       - Attached to: Field
       - Trigger: The Referee posts a message to a Public Forum stating
         that he is performing the Evolve action, and he has not already
         done so during the current nweek, and he performs enough random
         selections to carry out step 4 if needed
       - Effect:
           1) The following occur simultaneously:
              a) For each Cell with null Color that is adjacent to
                 exactly three Cells with non-null Color, its Color is
                 changed to the most common of those non-null Colors,
                 with ties broken in favor of the Field's Advantage
              b) For each Cell with non-null Color that is adjacent to
                 less than two or more than three Cells with non-null
                 Color, its Color is changed to null
           2) If exactly one non-null Color of Cell exists, then the
              match ends, with all Players whose Team is that color
           3) Otherwise, if the Field's Advantage is Red, it changes
              to Green; if it is Green, it changes to Blue; if it is
              Blue, it changes to Red
           4) Each Player whose Team is null has his Team changed to a
              random non-null value
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