Adam Hill on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:44:25 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal

I submit the following Proposal, titled "Shelve It":

Rule 2-2 is amended by replacing the text "The Vote must be one of the
words FOR, AGAINST, or ABSTAIN; other words are ignored" with the text
"The Vote must be one of the words FOR, AGAINST, ABSTAIN, or SHELVE;
other words are ignored".

Rule 2-2 is amended by replacing the text "A proposal's Strength is
equal to the sum of the Vote Power of the Registered Voters whose
Final Vote on that proposal is FOR minus the sum of the Vote Power of
the Registered Voters whose Final Vote on that proposal is AGAINST"
with the text "A proposal's Strength is equal to the sum of the Vote
Power of the Registered Voters whose Final Vote on that proposal is
FOR minus the sum of the Vote Power of the Registered Voters whose
Final Vote on that proposal is AGAINST or SHELVE".

Rule 2-2 is amended by replacing the text "Each Open proposal with
positive Strength becomes Won; all other Open proposals become Lost"
with the text "Each Open proposal with positive Strength becomes Won;
each Open proposal with negative Strength that would have positive
Strength if SHELVE votes were counted as YES votes becomes Shelved and
is placed on the following nweek's Ballot; and all other proposals
become Lost".

Add the following text to Rule 2-2 where appropriate: "A proposal that
is Shelved in two consecutive nweeks is considered both Lost and
Failed and shall not appear on a later ballot."

Back in the First Era, there was the option of shelving a Proposal
that had a great idea but wasn't fully worked out. If it was shelved
in one nweek, the Player who proposed it could work on it the
following week and it would be voted on again. It worked well to
improve the quality of Proposals, in my opinion.

Anything McGee
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