Aaron Coquet on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 20:23:39 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Dice Master

to lead into a second consultation.

Once the previously submitted consultation is answered, I submit the
following consultation:
Is any email coming from the specified email address considered to be
from the player to whom that email address is registered?
Aaron C, who thinks remailers are interesting

On Nov 30, 2007 10:26 AM, Geoffrey Spear <geoffspear@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I believe that regardless of whether the Dice Master is a Player it
> is, in fact, a PEP, since who the Players are is unclear or ambiguous,
> and it can be argued that the Dice Master could pass a Membership Test
> comprised solely of being able to send and receive email messages (the
> "any or all" problem in Rule 1-17), which was accepted as the basis
> for the AFO's status as a Player in a Consultation (not yet Pondered,
> but I think this still establishes the ambiguity), and it can further
> be argued that the Registrar's refusal to allow the Dice Master to
> become a Player is of ambiguous legality since the rules as written
> seem to indicate that becoming a Player happens instantly when a
> message requesting to do so is received in the Public Forum, making
> the refusal by the Registrar in violation of the Temporal Prime
> Directive.  The quantum interpretation of the relevant Consultation
> (also not Pondered) on that point is probably itself ambiguous or
> unclear.
> I submit as further evidence the existence of Refresh Proposals that
> would deregister the Dice Master if it's a Player.  Why make such a
> proposal if its status is not entirely unclear?
> On Nov 30, 2007 1:08 PM, Aaron Coquet <farfromunique@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > When the Pause ends, I submit the following consultation:
> > Is it true that Dice Master is a player?
> >
> > Unbeliever: Aaron C
> > Reasoning: according to text at the bottom of every message posted by
> > Dice Master, there is a website with instructions on how to control
> > the actions of Dice Master. This website also states that Dice Master
> > is a computer program, which is a clone of another computer program.
> > In the event that computer programs are allowed to be players, Dice
> > Master is not a unique being, but rather a clone.
> >
> > --
> > Aaron C
> > "H. P. Lovecraft is Rock and Roll" -- Neil Gaiman
> > Don't Panic!
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> --
> Geoffrey Spear
> http://www.geoffreyspear.com/
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Aaron C
"H. P. Lovecraft is Rock and Roll" -- Neil Gaiman
Don't Panic!
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