David E. Smith on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 10:51:58 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] oracle report 27/06/07 (nday 3)

On Wed, 27 Jun 2007, Antonio Dolcetta wrote:

> Consultation 20
> Supplicant: bd_
>   Is an organization or other group consisting of one human being,
>   and behaving as that person orders, exactly equivalent to that person
>   for the purposes of B Nomic?

I rule TRUE.

If the organization only has one human being as its membership, outside 
the context of B Nomic (and outside of most contexts except maybe the tax 
codes) that organization and its sole member would be considered 

This looks like a loophole begging to be exploited, but I don't believe 
this to be the case - if a one-member organization is equivalent to its 
sole member, then one cannot have multiple "voices" in B Nomic. (Rule 1-4 
presently specifies that an External Force wishing to join may not already 
be a Player; if the human being is already playing, eir organization of 
one cannot join, and vice versa.)

The issue of multiple players combining to form an organization, thus 
gaining an unfair amount of representation within B Nomic, still exists, 
but it is not the subject of this consultation.

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