Antonio Dolcetta on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 01:30:46 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] oracle report 27/06/07 (nday 3)

Supposing the following assumptions are true:
* The post of Oracle is held by Antonio
* The active players are: BobTHJ, Peter, bd_, The Dave, Primo 
Corporation, Wonko, Zach, comex, Antonio
* Wonko's rulings on consultations 15 and 18 were overtime (they were 
submitted on nday 2)

I assign the following consultations

Consultation 15
Supplicant: Antonio
The rules of B Nomic allow BobTHJ to act on behalf of the group of
persons knows as "Primo Corporation", True of False ?
Unbeliever: BobTHJ
Recused: Wonko
Assigned to: Primo Corporation (please send complaints to the rng :P )


Consultation 18
Supplicant: Antonio
true or false: there exists a proposal numbered 105 ?
I don't think that Zach's "fastness" proposal ever reached the public
Recused: Wonko
Assigned to: Comex


Consultation 19
Supplicant: bd_

Question: Could corporations register as players at the time that
consultation 11 was submitted?

Argument: By consultation 11, Primo Corporation is already a player, and
therefore, barring any rule changes, corporations could register using
the same method as Primo Corporation. However, consultations 12 and 13
serve to bar all corporations from register, including Primo

Assigned to: Peter


Consultation 20
Supplicant: bd_

   Is an organization or other group consisting of one human being,
   and behaving as that person orders, exactly equivalent to that person
   for the purposes of B Nomic?

Assigned to: The Dave


Consultation 21
Supplicant: Wonko

Question: Humans cannot join B Nomic. True or False?
One requirement for joining the game is that you be able to "pass the
Turing Test". However, "the Turing Test" is clearly defined as a
specific test for determining whether an artificial intelligence can
successfully masquerade as a human. It follows that the only way a
player can join is if e can demonstrate that e is A) an artificial
intelligence, and B) indistinguishable from a human. However, if B)
is true, then by definition there is no way to demonstrate A. It
follows that nobody can become a player.

It nearly follows that there are no players and thus no game.
However, several nyears ago a rule was created called the Statute of
Limitations that retroactively legalized any statement made by the
Administrator after 10 ndays passed with no objections. The
Administrator (David E. Smith, at the time) referred to my existence
as a player numerous times during this period. As I am the only
player who has been playing continuously since before the repeal of
the Statute of Limitations, it follows that I am currently the only
player of B Nomic.

Assigned to: Primo Corporation


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