Peter Cooper Jr. on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 20:09:06 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] 115.11 Votes received so far

This is what I've got recorded so far, based on my interpretation of
what people were voting for. (bd in particular probably didn't mean
what he said for props >= 74, as I assigned 82 to what was listed in
the second half of 74, so e may want to revise eir votes. Also, since
82 didn't exist at the time e voted (as it wasn't assigned that number
then and was still numberless), eir vote for 82 was meaningless. I

Prop #  Name            hobojoe bd      Antonio Optional
61      Game Actions... FOR     FOR     AGAINST AGAINST
62      Ruletag Typos   FOR     AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR
63      Tidiness        AGAINST FOR     FOR     AGAINST
64      Time Defs Pr... FOR     FOR     FOR     AGAINST
65      Currency        FOR     FOR     AGAINST FOR
66      Ruletag Typos   FOR     FOR     FOR     FOR
67      Devices         FOR     FOR     FOR     FOR
68      More Elections  AGAINST FOR     FOR     FOR
69      Becoming the... FOR     ABSTAIN FOR     FOR
70      Crazy Eddie'... FOR     AGAINST AGAINST FOR
71      Emps            AGAINST AGAINST FOR     AGAINST
72      Shampoo         AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR     FOR
73      Quick RTO Fix   FOR     FOR     FOR     FOR
74      Zombies, Part 1 AGAINST AGAINST FOR     FOR
75      Thrids for R... FOR     AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST
76      Ocularities Fix FOR     AGAINST FOR     AGAINST
77      Better Elect... AGAINST FOR     FOR     AGAINST
78      Rule Tag on ... AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR     FOR
79      Belle of the... AGAINST FOR     FOR     AGAINST
80      How's This G... FOR     ABSTAIN FOR     FOR
81      Zeroth Take 2   FOR     FOR     AGAINST AGAINST
82      Points cleanup                  FOR     FOR

Now that I think things are mostly straighted out, I'll probably
leave the clock off for another ndelay to let players catch up and
then turn the clock back on to resume what passes for normal around
here. Lemme know if there's anything else I missed or if we need more
time to vote.

Peter C.
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