Antonio Dolcetta on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 06:30:25 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] proposal: better elections

[[ since I really don't like Borda, this is an implementation of the 
Approval method ]]

proposal title: "better elections"
depends on: "more elections"

In rule 3-4
replace the text
A Vote must list Candidates of the Election ranked in descending order
from the most preferred to the least preferred.
A Vote on an Election must list Candidates of the Election.

In rule 3-4
replace the text
When an Election becomes resolved, in each Final Vote for that Election,
each Candidate receives one rank for each Candidate ranked below him,
and no ranks if he is not listed. The Candidate with the highest total
ranks in an Election wins that Election. If an an Election more than one
Candidate are tied for total ranks, the Administrator randomly selects
one of the tied Candidates, that Candidate wins the Election.
When an Election becomes resolved, the occurrence of each Candidate in 
all Final Votes for that Election is totaled.
The Candidate with the highest total wins the Election. If more than one 
Candidate are tied, the Administrator randomly selects one of the tied 
Candidates, that Candidate wins the Election.

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