Antonio Dolcetta on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 04:52:39 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] rfj fixes, more of them!

I amend my proposal RFJ system, take 2

things that have changed:
Removed the Accepting stage of the RFJ which was kind of pointless.
Removed Stepping down from Office, pointless too.
Put it all under a post (supposing Posts pass).
Added an appeal process that all players may partecipate in.
Completley separated it from the previous incarnation (and gained
semi-silly-names in the process).
Judges can no longer declare RFJ's invalid, only the justice officer can.
RFJ numbering can be overridden by the justice officer
Now has Active Players and a Quorum concepts
Re-added corrective actions, these are now a different type of proposal
Clarified ZOTTING by request
Clarified Priest selection

Create a rule called "Active Players" that reads:
The group of players that currently possess the Active property may be
called the Active Players.
At the beginning of each nweek, the players that voted in the previous
nweek gain the "Active" property, the players that failed to vote in the
previous nweek lose the "Active" property.

create a new rule named "Enough" that reads:
A Quorum is defined to be any number greater than half the number of
Active Players.

append the following paragraph to rule 2-2:
An Oracularity is a special type of Proposal.
It may only be submitted by a Priest in the performance of eir duties.
If there are limits on the submission of Proposals, Oracularities are
exempt from, and do not count towards, such limits.

amend rule 2-5 to read in full:
== Judgment ==

=== the Oracle ===
There exists an Object called the staff of ZOT.
There exists a post called the "Oracle", he holds the staff of ZOT.

=== Consultations ===
Any player may as a Game Action submit a Consultation.

Consultations are Game Documents that contain a Question that is to be
The Question must be posed in such a form as to permit a true or false
Consultations may also contain:
* Reasoning, meaning text that clarifies the intent of the Consultation.
* the name of a Player that is to be considered as the Unbeliever for
that Consultation.
That player submitting the consultation will be known as Supplicant
regarding that consultation.

Consultations automatically gain a Consultation Number upon submission.
For each new Consultation, the Consultation number shall be equal to 1
or, if such Number is already in use, to the greatest existing
Consultation Number incremented by one. The Oracle may arbitrarily
override the normal assignment of Consultation numbers, and choose a
number of his liking for a new Consultation.

A Consultation is in one of the states of Waiting, ZOTTED and Pondered.
A Consultation is initially Waiting.

=== ZOTTING ===
Upon submission of an Consultation the Oracle shall as a Game Action
select a Priest for that Consultation.
Alternatively the Oracle may wield the staff of ZOT and cause the
Consultation to be ZOTTED, if in eir insight e considers the contained
Question to be malformed, ambiguous, irrelevant or otherwise unworthy.
ZOTTED consultations have no further effect.

The Oracle may also ZOT a Waiting Consultation if has not been Answered
yet and it's assigned Priest requests em to do so. In this case the
Oracle is required to grant the request or immediately reassign the
Consultation to a new Priest instead.

=== Selecting a Priest ===
whenever a Priest is to be selected for a Consultation, the Oracle shall 
select one between the eligible Players.
All Active Players, except the Supplicant, the Unbeliever if the 
Consultation names one, the Oracle and Players that have already been 
selected as Priests for that Consultation, are eligible for selection as 
Priests. If no Player is eligible, the Oracle is automatically selected 
as Priest.

=== The Answer ===
The selected Priest shall find inspiration in eir knowledge of the Rules
and, as a Game Action, Answer eir assigned Consultation TRUE or FALSE.
The Priest may also submit his own Reasoning, explaining how eir
mystical interpretation of the Rules has guided em in eir Answer.
If e deems it necessary the Priest may also submit as a game action an
Oracularity detailing changes needed to correct the state of the game.

At the beginning of the fourth nday (or ndelay if the clock is off)
after the Answer has been submitted to a public forum, the state of the
Consultation becomes Pondered.

=== The Whole Point ===
Pondered Consultations shall guide further interpretation of the Rules.

=== Automatic Reassignment ===
At the beginning of each nweek, if a Consultation is Waiting and has not
been Answered the Oracle shall select a new Priest for that Consultation.
In the event that the clock is off, every 10 ndelays all Waiting
Consultations that have not been Answered yet are reassigned to a new

=== Overriding Consultations ===
When a Priest submits eir Answer to a Consultation, within three ndays
(or ndelays if the clock is off) since it's submission, any player
except the Defendant and the Supplicant may, as a Game Action, make a
Claim as to the Answer's Consistency with established doctrine. Such
Claims will ultimately state that the player believes the answer to be
Consistent or Inconsistent.

If a Player submits multiple Claims, only the last one submitted shall
be counted.
At the end of the third nday (or ndelay) since the Answer has been
submitted the Oracle shall tally any such Claims. If a Quorum of Players
has submitted Claims, and there exist more Claims of Inconsistency than
claims of Consistency, the Oracle shall reverse the Answer for that
Consultation [[that is if it was TRUE it becomes FALSE and vice versa]].

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