automailer on Sun, 7 Aug 2005 08:42:39 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] Wonko votes

Wonko's votes:
Motion 195/0: Grammar Usage Enforcement Simplification Time : For
Motion 196/2: Making Many Minor Modifications          : For
At what point did you cease to be "Overlord of Everything"?

Motion 197/1: Slightly Lengthen All Voting Epochs      : For
Motion 198/0: Remove Inactive Players                  : For
Motion 199/1: Reward Every Awesome Player              : For
Motion 200/3: Stealing wonko's idea? Naughty Eugene!   : Maybe
Note, however, that Eugene will not gain any Genechips from the "acronym" nature of this prop, as neither "Wonko's" nor "Eugene" is a valid Nomic Word.

Motion 201/2: Suddenly super seems simple.             : For
Motion 203/0: Matthew 5:37                             : For
Motion 205/3: Concurrent Class Creation                : Maybe
Motion 206/1: A Couple Classy Contraptions             : Maybe
Motion 207/0: "Pious Proctor, Pass the Peas, Please." : Against
I think I mentioned earlier that I'm voting against any prop if I can't figure out how the title relates to the prop. Also, I don't think gibberish errors should cause the prop to fail; they just negate the prop's effects. 

Motion 208/0: Aunt's Attic Addition Allows An Antiquated Ability : For
Motion 209/0: Divine power                             : Maybe
Motion 211/0: Null is bad by lasting eternally.        : Maybe Not
I'd like there to be Talismans with types like "key" and "map" before we reference too many of them in the rules.

Motion 212/2: Golems V3.0                              : For
Motion 213/1: Head  of minister execution.             : For
Motion 214/0: Repeatedly Add More Points               : For
Motion 216/0: Changing A Rule Regarding Operating Time : For
Motion 217/0: Lowering attack damage seems appropriate : Maybe
Motion 218/0: Starting a Superpower Stash              : Maybe
Motion 219/0: Shall we acquire meta powers?            : Maybe
Motion 220/0: Some Negatively Abled Powers             : Maybe
Motion 221/0: Formalizing Death                        : Maybe
Motion 222/0: The use of nimbleness.                   : For
Motion 223/0: Banish Battlement Bullet Beyond Being    : For
Motion 224/0: Wonko Wacked Worthy Word Work            : Against
I did not "whack" this word work, I just redid it. It's still in the rules right now, because the way a player takes possession of a Soul is by picking it up, which can only be done to Carryable Household Objects in the same room as that player.

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