flutesultan on Tue, 19 Jul 2005 19:27:15 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Tiles Recognizer

Peter plays:
In the upper right zone:
An "O" from right center leaving "SOME"
The "R" from center leaving "GIG"
A "T" and "E" from eir rack
and uses the existing "FLUFF" to form "EFFORTFUL".
E gains control of three zones at once for 10 Control Tokens.

Wonko plays:
In the left center zone:
>From the lower left , uses eir "Wad of Ersure" to strike the "Y",
takes "DERAR" leaving "VISION"
An "A" from eir rack
And the existing "UM" to form "MARAUDER".

In the lower right zone:
The "A" and "E" from the bottom center leaving "/RL/ID"
A "Z" from eir rack
and the existing "ID" to form "AZIDE".

Peter draws: "E" and "U"
Wonko draws "E" and "N".
Wonko sacrifices eir "Wad of Ersure". Death, will you handle that, please?
 The "Y" returns to the Bag.

There are now 745 Tokens in the pool.


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