Peter Cooper Jr. on Fri, 1 Jul 2005 06:50:28 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Re: Death is up for grabs

eugman@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> I nominate myself.
> I except my nomination.

I don't know what excluding your nomination would do, as we currently
don't have any such game action. You might want to accept your
nomination, though. :)

> I nominate Wonko.
> I nominate  Triller.

Wonko, Triller, and Eugene are all nominated for Death.

> [[I hope I don't win.]]

Well, that'd be easier if you don't accept your nomination :). But
please, someone be willing to take it, or we'll have to get rid of

> [[I would like to point out that I smote p136]]

I noted that; it just wasn't particularly relevant until we needed to
tally up the votes.

(Speaking of tallying up votes, did people get Amplitude for people
voting Maybe on their props last nweek?)

> [[I wonder if these brackets are really needed]]

Comment text only means things in Game Documents, and I don't think
that posts to public fora are Game Documents. But I'm not completely

Peter C.
"In fact, I'll go cancel some email right now."
		-- wschudy
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