automailer on Fri, 1 Jul 2005 06:14:34 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] JessicaCooper submits p145

JessicaCooper has submitted a new proposal, p145.

Proposal 145/0: "Maybe" offsets real parity; help is near, gentlemen!
A Standard Proposal by JessicaCooper
Last modified on nweek 92, nday 12

'Tis in the int'rest of majority
To keep up some sort of voting parity.
Therefore I submit:
Where there are vote types in list,
To add "maybe not" for posterity.

"And what," one might ask, "will this vote do?"
I will add to 3-3/10, bullet two,
Right at the end
I request to append:
Plus the number of "maybe nots" over two

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