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[s-b] [auto] Peter amends p116

Peter has amended p116.

Proposal 116/3: Grand Reunification Of A Nomic Proposal And Related Things
A Standard Proposal by Peter
Last modified on nweek 91, nday 5


[[Please double-check to make sure I've done this all right. I don't
want to accidentally break every method we have to change the rules.]]

[[Revision History:
/1: Make it so you couldn't Second your own Tweak, a Spivak change
    and saying "Game-changing Object" instead of proposal when that's
    what I meant.
/2: Removed conditional actions based on props that have already
    resolved. Minor editorial clarifications. Changed CFIs to
    not use ndays to track time.
/3: Consolidated ministers to have 1 player handle all game-changing

In section 2 of the Ruleset, add a new rule
== Game-changing Objects ==

There is a class of Game Documents called Game-changing Objects.

A Game-changing Object consists of a list of changes to the state of
the game (that is, changes to the state and/or existence of some
number of Game Objects) and an optional title. The definition of a
particular Game-changing object may include additional properties.

At the time a Game-changing Object is created, it is assigned a
unique serial number at the discretion of the Minister of Change.

Any object which is a Game-changing Object:
* can be in one of these three states: Pending, Open, and Historical. 
* has a list of Legal Votes
* has a list of Eligible Voters

Game-changing Objects are initially Pending.

Game-changing Objects are Revisable. When a Game-changing Object is
Pending, the object that submitted it may revise it by resubmitting

For each Open Game-changing Object, each Eligible Voter for that
object has a Current Vote on that object. A Current Vote can be any
Legal Vote for that object. The Current Vote for each Eligible Voter
is initially set to ABSTAIN for each Open Game-changing Object.

As a game action, a player may set eir Current Vote for any Open
Game-changing Object if e is an Eligible Voter for it. This action may
also be known as casting a Vote.

When a Game-changing Object changes from Open to Historical, it is
said to have Resolved. When a Game-changing Object resolves, the
latest Current Vote that each Eligible Voter had on the object
while it was Open becomes known as that entity's Final Vote on that
object. A reference to the votes, or count of votes, of a Resolved
game-changing object shall be understood to refer only to the Final
Votes on that object.

[[The definition of each object then describes the meaning of

A Game-changing Object that does not Pass is said to have Failed.

When a Game-changing Object Passes, the changes to the game state
listed within it are made. If more than one Game-changing Object
Passes at the same time, the changes are made sequentially in
ascending serial number order.

Create the following Tweak:
Remove from Rule 0-0 the sentence
This rule can only be amended by way of a Tweak.
Execute the changes in that Tweak, and then destroy that Tweak.

Change Rule 0-0 to the text
At any time, regardless of the state of any time-keeping device in the
game, any player may submit a Tweak. A Tweak is a Game-changing

Legal Votes on a Tweak are SECOND, OBJECT, and ABSTAIN.

Eligible Voters on a Tweak are all players.

Casting a Vote on an Open Tweak is a legal Game Action regardless of
the state of any time-keeping device in the game.

The Player who submitted a Tweak may not vote SECOND on that Tweak.

1 real-world day after a Tweak is created, it becomes Open.

6 real-world days after a Tweak becomes Open, it becomes Historical.

When a Tweak becomes Historical, if it received at least two SECOND
Final Votes and received no OBJECT Final Votes, the Tweak Passes.

Change Rule 2-3 to the text
Proposals are Game-changing Objects.

A Proposal is owned by the entity that submitted it.

[[See rule 3-3 for more information.]]

Execute these changes in Rule 3-3:

In section "Timing", remove the sentence
Proposals are initially Pending.

Change the text of section "Proposal Submission" in its entirity to
Any player may Submit a Proposal, unless the number of Pending
Proposals e owns is greater than or equal to 5 minus the number of
Burns e has.

Change the text of section "Voting" to
A Voting Entity is a Game Object that has the right to vote on
Proposals. All players are Voting Entities.

Eligible Voters for proposals are all Voting Entities.

Legal Votes on proposals are FOR, MAYBE, AGAINST, and ABSTAIN.

In section "Proposal Resolution", remove the first paragraph and last


Replace the text of the first paragraph of rule 3-18 with
Referenda are Game-changing Objects.

Legal Votes on Referenda are OBJECT and ABSTAIN.

Eligible Voters for Referenda are all players.

One nday after a Referendum is created, it becomes Open.

Two ndays after a Referendum becomes Open, it becomes Historical.

When a Referendum Resolves, if there are less than two OBJECT Final
Votes on it, the Referendum Passes.

Execute these changes in rule 5-1:
Change the text
A CFI is a Game Document consisting of a statement about the game and
(optionally) a list of changes to the gamestate.
A CFI is a Game-changing Object that also includes a statement about
the game. A CFI may be submitted at any time regardless of the state
of any time-keeping device used in the game.

Change the text
CFIs are initially Pending; two ndays after their issuance, they
become Open, and four ndays later they become Historical.
to the text
At the second time midnight UTC occurs after a CFI becomes Pending,
it becomes Open. At the fourth time midnight UTC occurs after a CFI
becomes Open, it becomes Historical.

Remove the text
Any player may revise a CFI e owns by resubmitting it, but only if the
CFI in question is Pending.


Execute these changes in rule 5-2

Change the text of the first three paragraphs to the text
Eligible Voters on a CFI are all players except for the Plaintiff and
Defendant of that CFI.

Legal Votes on a CFI are YES, NO, REFUSED, and ABSTAIN.

Casting a Vote on a CFI is a legal Game Action regardless of the state
of any time-keeping device used in the game.

When a CFI resolves, count the non-ABSTAIN Final Votes and interpret
the results as follows:

Remove the text
When a CFI Passes, the gamestate changes listed within it are
implemented by whoever is responsible for them.


In rule 3-1, change the text
This does not apply to Game Actions defined in section 5, or if the
definition of a Game Action explicitly allows other times for the
Action to occur.
to the text
This does not apply if a rule explicitly allows other times for the
Game Action to occur.

In rule 4-4, execute these changes:
Remove the section "The Ministry of Justice".

In the section "The Ministry of Change", change the text
non-historic Proposals
to the text
Game-changing Objects


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