Peter Cooper Jr. on Sun, 15 May 2005 08:41:59 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Re: Lots of actions.

eugman@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> I drop from the running of grammar nazi.

There's no official method to withdraw from a ministry election at the
moment, so perhaps we might want to add one.

> For the cfi in which I am the defendant I declare this as my
> statement/defense ect...
> {{ 
> Statement: Truth is beauty. Beauty is truth. Since Raelus's analysis
> lacks beauty is therefore lack truth and my proposal is a legal
> move.}}

Raelus's analysis seems right on the ball to me. A better defense
might be trying to argue that the "associated talisman"'s effects
could still happen merely by having a ball of energy of them, but
that's a pretty tenuous argument at best.

> I also ask for anyone who was planning on voting against cityscape was
> the only reason because of over abundance of subgames? Also should I
> just let it die or try again next week but make it interconnected with
> the grid if that passes?

I'm pretty much just voting against subgames at the moment. Maybe in a
few nweeks if we feel like we need more you could propose it again,
but for right now I'm happy with our level of subgaming.

> I give Wonko the two Genechips he deserves for being a cool guy.

Eugene gives eir only 2 genechips to Wonko.

> I submit the cfi to get at peter.
> {{
> == Nice try, Peter. ==
> Defendant: Peter

well, let me make my defense one bit at a time:

> Statement: Peter's proprosal doesn't actually propose anything,


> is full of nonsense,

Well, some English majors might disagree with you there.

> makes no reference to the game

Very true.

> and plagerized.

I stated very clearly in the title that it was a Shakespearean
sonnet. So, I cited my source and the copyright has expired long ago.

> Therefore p74 is invalid.

Here's where I disagree with you.

> Analysis by Plaintiff:
> The rules say that each Proposal consists of a list of Gamestate
> Changes, that is, changes to the state and/or existence of some number
> of Game Objects.


> P74 contains one line in the interrogative form and the rest are
> declarative. A proposal needs statments in the imperative form in
> order to command any changes to the gamestate. Now even though one
> is allowed to use a declarative to demonstrate the existence of a
> game object this proposal does not even do that. This proposal does
> not reference any existing game objects nor does it declare the
> existence of new ones. Instead is it full of lines about eternal
> summer and rough winds and other such rubbish.  I therefore find
> this proposal not meeting its requirements of a proposal and has
> nothing to do with the game.

I agree that the proposal does not contain any Gamestate
Changes. However, it is perfectly acceptable for a list to be empty.

Peter C.
"And there was sleep deprivation only juniors can know, 
And seniors haven't worked off yet..."
		-- Jessi, "random memorabilia in nonprose form"

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